This Zodiac Sign is the Happiest of All

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Every person, regardless of their sign, has different goals and ambitions, but ultimately, the pursuit of true and sustained happiness is probably one of life’s most important and universally shared endeavors.

And while no one is made of rainbows and sunshine all the time, some signs seem to have cracked the code for finding contentment and joy. There are many reasons why some people may be happier and more fulfilled than others, but can astrology be one of those factors?

The character from “Inside Out” for each zodiac sign

No zodiac sign smiles 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, just as none are doomed to be sad all the time. However, some cosmic energies can inject a little more joy of living into someone’s disposition and overall outlook. For instance, fire signs are known for being highly passionate, resilient, and extroverted, all of which can contribute to an overall sense of happiness. There’s also the jovial planet Jupiter, known for bringing faith and good vibes as it travels through the zodiac. Having Jupiter well-positioned in your birth chart can give you an edge when it comes to accessing more joy.

A birthday alone won’t determine your happiness levels, but there is a zodiac sign blessed with the passion and enthusiasm of the fire element combined with the optimistic influence of lucky Jupiter — and that’s the free-spirited Sagittarius. If you were born between November 22 and December 21 or have significant points or planets in this mutable fire sign, then there’s a chance that joy might come a bit easier for you at times.

Discover why, archetypally, Sagittarius might well be the happiest zodiac sign in the group.

They’re Eternal Optimists

Governed by the ever-optimistic and faithful planet Jupiter, Sagittarians generally have a positive and hopeful view of life, finding it easier to maintain a glass-half-full mentality even when things get tough. As the sign symbolized by the cosmic archer, Sagittarius is about aiming high and setting their sights on lofty aspirations. They know that even if they miss the mark, they might still land somewhere new and exciting.

These carefree fire signs are always willing to take risks in the name of trying something new. Additionally, as one of the mutable signs of the zodiac, Sagittarians are adept at going with the flow and adapting to new situations — so life’s inevitable changes and curveballs likely won’t knock them down.

Sagittarians Love to Celebrate

No sign loves a celebration quite like a Sagittarius. These fun-loving fire signs are spontaneous and extroverted, and having fun is almost always one of their top priorities no matter what they’re doing. This also makes sense on a larger cosmic scale, as Sagittarius season falls during the month preceding the solar nadir of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, when days shorten and grow colder.

The decrease in sunlight and dreary weather can be depressing, but that’s precisely why it’s so cosmically fortunate to have Sagittarius zodiac energy leading during this period. Sagittarius season encompasses much of the holiday season, when people feel particularly joyful, festive, and celebratory — and it’s no coincidence! Sagittarius’s vibration warms people’s spirits and promotes a bit of joy and merriment during this dark time of year.

Sagittarians are free-spirited at heart and want to squeeze every bit of fun and adventure out of life that they possibly can. That’s why they rarely say no to the opportunity to experience something new and exciting. They love meeting new people, trying new things, seeing new sights, and visiting new places. In fact, being stuck in the same routine all the time quickly becomes boring for these wild-hearted seekers. In the eyes of a Sagittarius, every experience in life is an opportunity to learn and grow, making tough times easier to face.

Source: Bustle

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